Online Giving
"The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it" � Psalm 24:1
Members of Every Nation Church Sydney contribute to the life and work of the church in many different ways. Please note that we do not expect visitors to give financially. This is something we do as a church family, and for those who share the vision of the ministry.
If you have benefited from the ministry of Every Nation Church Sydney and would like to partner with us financially, you may do so by filling up this giving form.
If you would like your donation to be used towards a specific project, please let us know. You can indicate this on the online form, on the giving envelope on Sunday, or by contacting us directly.
Phone: +61 417 440 507
If you wish to give via Electronic Funds Transfer, below are the details:
BSB Number: 012 010
Account Number: 107990139
Account Name: Every Nation Ministries and Churches
Bank: ANZ Bank
Swift Code: ANZ BAU 3M